We are reaching our to the children of Rwanda by holding district-wide outreaches throughout the country and by
training the Rwandan Pastors and teachers how to duplicate what we are doing.
Our first of these district-wide outreaches took place on December 12 & 13 in the capital city of Kigali. We were so thrilled
to have our newly-elected National Director for children’s ministry with us
along with all eight of our district
directors. These are Rwandan men and women who we are mentoring and who came
out to learn how to hold a children’s crusade.
Each day, we had an exciting and fast paced two hour program complete
with guest children’s choirs, a three-year old from our children’s church
reciting Psalm 23, puppet songs, youth dramas, exciting object lessons,
preaching, and altar call.
By the end of the two day outreach, we had 270 children pray with us to
receive Jesus into their hearts and lives, they then went through our
counseling time to confirm their decision, and lastly, they were given
children’s gospel tracts and evangelism material in their own language to take
home to their families. All of the counseling was done by our district Pastors
and teachers, who were trained prior to the event.
The biggest miracle was the absence of rain during the entire event
from set up to clean up!
This was the first of many such crusades throughout the country.
Everyone was excited, eager for the next one, and now ready to make their
district crusade the best in the country! We can’t wait to see what happens
next! Thanks to so many of our supporters who were praying for us and for this
crusade to be successful.