The Collins Call


Browsing Archive: October, 2012

BGMC Comes to Rwanda!

Posted by Jeanne Collins on Friday, October 26, 2012, In : Ministry 
We have been privileged to host a team from the National BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge) Dept. of the Assemblies of God. David and Mary Boyd are director and coordinator of BGMC and their desire is to see every church teaching children about overseas outreach. BGMC has a twofold purpose: (1) instilling a heart of compassion in kids through inspiring them to pray, give, and go; and (2) reaching the children of the world through meeting critical needs, such as food, health care, wate...
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Posted by Jeanne Collins on Friday, October 26, 2012, In : The Collins Family 

Patrick and Jeanne are in the final stages of moving homes to the National Bible School compound. It’s been quite a process with some renovations having to be done before we could make the move. Moving is never easy and can become quite a task but there are many good reasons for the move.

Living in A/G housing will allow us to keep this house even when we leave the country for our furlough in 2013. Renting elsewhere always involves packing up and storing all of our belongings and then find...

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